
Sunday 10 January 2016

Angela Merkel seeks tougher laws to deport convicted migrants after Cologne sex attacks

Germany’s chancellor, Angela Merkel, has proposed tougher laws that would make it easier to deport migrants after a wave of sex attacks in Cologne that were

Thursday 7 January 2016

President Magufuli: Cut the Number of Politicians in the Government

When he revealed a list of the ministers and their deputies who were 34 in total, virtually, everybody congratulated him from political analysts, activists and the general public.
Another 49 list of Permanent Secretaries and their deputies was also commended, with majority saying the president had considered professionalism and gender balance without leaving aside a group of people with disabilities.
Indeed, since then, the ministers and their deputies have so far been traversing an entire nation to oversee various development projects with oomph, speed and cousin cadence.
In a period of two weeks, many Tanzanians have confidence that they will deliver to their expectations. When Dr Magufuli unveiled a list of Permanent Secretaries and their deputies that is when only one person ? former deputy minister in the Fourth phase government, Dr Makongoro Mahanga, emerged, saying the number of the administrators was big contrary to the president’s promise to reduce the size of the government.
Whether his comment was politically motivated or not, it remains on record that he was the only person who went against a greater percentage of Tanzanians who commended the Head of State.
The former deputy minister who was the former ruling party ? CCM cadre only to decamp to the opposition after his name was axed during the intra-party nominations presented his criticism basing on the following arguments: One, he said that by appointing many permanent secretaries, President John Magufuli acted contrary to his promise of reducing the size of the government in his bid to reduce unnecessary cost.
Two, the former Deputy Minister for Labour and Employment in the previous administration argued that by appointing 27 Permanent Secretaries in a government that had only 19 ministries, it was obvious that the ministries were no longer 19 and that the cost of running the government was likely to balloon.
But according to Chief Secretary (CS), Ombeni Sefue, who trashed his arguments, the number of PSs in Dr Magufuli’s administration was fewer than that of the previous government.

Shein Breaks Silence and Says he is Legal Leader

PRESIDENT Ali Mohamed Shein has broken his silence, saying that he is the legitimate president of Zanzibar - and if there are any parties that are disputing such a fact, they may go to court.
In his tour of Pemba Island, the first official trip he has taken following the political impasse that had emerged in Zanzibar after the nullification of the general polls on October 25, last year, Dr Shein said his current leadership was ‘constitutionally legitimate’.
Zanzibar’s main opposition leader, Mr Seif Sharif Hamad, from the Civic United Front (CUF) and other opposition leaders are opposing Dr Shein’s tenure, saying it had expired since November 2, last year.
CUF leaders are also opposing the nullification of the general elections, arguing that it was a move illegally made by Zanzibar Electoral Commission (ZEC) Chairman, Mr Jecha Salim Jecha.
They argue that Mr Hamad deserves becoming the next president after winning in the October elections. “I’m still the legitimate president in accordance to the constitution. But if there are people opposing my stay in the State House, they can seek clarification or redress from the High Court of Zanzibar,” said Dr Shein.
The president is in Pemba to inspect implementation of development projects, including the Zanzibar Urban Services Project (ZUSP) funded by Word Bank, which include the upgrading of Chakechake, Mkoani, and Wete towns.
He maintained that Mr Hamad himself as the First Second Vice-President, Ambassador Seif Ali Iddi as the Second Vice-President, members of Cabinet and the whole government were still legitimate. “For those who have decided to stay aside; it’s their own illogical decision,’’ Dr Shein enjoined. I am not forcing myself to remain in power; it is in the constitution.
The High Court is the only place to clear any doubt. There have been a lot of misleading statements about the legitimacy of my government. Just listen and ignore them as every citizen has the right to belong to any political party and freedom of speech,” he insisted.
Dr Shein reminded the people of Zanzibar, particularly CCM supporters that he is the party’s Vice-Chairman for Zanzibar and hence they should believe in what he says as registered in communiqués from party meetings.
He asked the people to fully take part in the 52nd anniversary of the revolution, promising that come next Sunday, the new government ship would carry people to and from Pemba free-of-charge to enable them go to Unguja and attend the climax of Mapinduzi Day on January 12.
Meanwhile, faith-based institutions in Zanzibar have called on leaders in the islands to speed up their bid for a peaceful decision of the political impasse, which it said was taking long and hence frustrating citizens.
“Let us not take the prevailing peace as an opportunity to delay in finding solution to the crisis. We kindly ask leaders taking part in the search for a solution to speed up the process,” a cleric, Mr Muhiddin Zubeir Muhiddin, said at a news conference in Zanzibar.
Mr Muhiddin, who is Executive Secretary of the Imams (Muslim Leaders) Association of Zanzibar (JUMAZA), noted that the people have been eagerly waiting for a solution following the nullification of the October 25, 2015 polls.
The written statement as read to reporters by Sheikh Muhiddin at Welesi here was an observation from Muslim organisations in the Isles in pushing for a quick solution to the impasse.

Ambassadors challenge Z'bar to resolve impasse

Ambassadors representing The Netherlands and Norway in Tanzania have called upon the government of Zanzibar to quickly resolve the political impasse in the Island, reminding that political stability is a prerequisite for the development and prosperity of the Isles.
The envoys, Jaap Frederiks of The Netherlands and Hanne Marie Kaarstad of Norway said here yesterday that the stalled electoral process  was a source of great concern for their countries.
The challenge was thrown by the two before the Zanzibar President, Dr Ali

Lwakatare appointed new CEO of DART

The Minister of State in the President’s Office -- Regional Administration and Local Government (PO-RALG), George Simbachawene yesterday appointed Eng  Ronald Lwakatare   acting Chief Executive Officer (CEO), of the Dar es Salaam Rapid Transit (DART), Agency effective from January 4, this year.
The minister appointed him as stipulated in section 2(2) of the order of the