
Monday 15 February 2016

Many Toast President Magufuli's Address

PRESIDENT John Magufuli’s address to the nation through Dar es Salaam elders has widely won approval from political analysts, members of Civil Society
Organisations (CSOs) and a cross-section of readers and the people.
Those who spoke to the ‘Daily News’ in separate interviews unanimously suggested that there was renewed hope for a new Tanzania after a general assessment of the first 100 days in office by Dr Magufuli.
They further supported the president’s bold stance on the ongoing Zanzibar political impasse. A senior lecturer at the University of Dar es Salaam (UDSM), Dr Benson Bana, said the Head of State came out strongly on his stand on the crisis. “When taking oath of office last year, Dr Magufuli stated clearly that he would defend and protect the country’s constitution.
Therefore, overstepping his mandate in Zanzibar will be translated as total violation of the mother law,’’ he pointed out.
In his speech at the weekend when addressing Tanzanians through elders at the Diamond Jubilee Hall in Dar es Salaam, Dr Magufuli used the opportunity to express his position on the political situation in Zanzibar, stressing that the Isles electoral body was an independent institution and nobody can dictate terms to it. “Throughout the world, electoral commissions are independent institutions.
It is improper for anybody ... even me as the president to interfere with its operations or decisions,” Dr Magufuli stressed. “I understand there are appeals for me to intervene in the current impasse in Zanzibar.
On this I am going to remain quiet. There is nothing I can do. And if there are legal disputes… then the aggrieved party or parties are free to go to court and seek legal redress,” Dr Magufuli told the elders. According to UDSM Lecturer of Political Science and Public Administration, Richard Mbunda, it was difficult for anyone to move to court in an attempt to challenge any decision from ZEC.
“As per the law, any decision from the National Electoral Commission (NEC) or ZEC ought to be final and conclusive and it can never be challenged in any court of law,” he noted.
Mr Mbunda said as the Head of State, Dr Magufuli cannot dictate anything over election in Zanzibar because such discretionary powers lie in the hands of ZEC and not the Union President although he is a commander-in-chief of all armed forces. Last year’s vote was scrapped by ZEC after what was described as “massive irregularities.”
However, the main opposition party in the Isles has dismissed the claims. The annulment came after the opposition Civic United Front (CUF) candidate, Mr Seif Sharif Hamad, who is also the Isles First Vice-President in the Government of National Unity (GNU), declared himself the winner before the results were officially announced by ZEC that has the mandate to do so.
The opposition party has further said it would boycott a new election now planned for March 20. The president, however, insisted on Saturday that the government would ensure peace and tranquility prevailed in the Isles and elsewhere in the United Republic.
“As the Commander-in-Chief of Armed Forces in the country, I am duty bound to ensure peace and security prevails and that if there is anyone anywhere who wants to disrupt the peace, then we are going to deal with such elements,” he said.
According to analysts, after 100 days in office, the Fifth Phase government has demonstrated that Tanzania was able to depend on itself in almost all sectors and that Dr Magufuli has demonstrated that he is a good driver who is able to take Tanzania to its destination of having a stronger economy.
Tanzania Human Rights Defenders Coalition (THRDC) National Coordinator, Onesmo Olengurumwa said: “The coalition congratulates Dr Magufuli on his efforts to fight against graft and economic saboteurs in the country in his 100 days in office.
Dar es Salaam Regional Sheikh, Alhad Mussa Salum, said the speech delivered by Dr Magufuli had quenched the thirst of many Tanzanians, asking all Tanzanians to support the president because he had exhibited that he was the best leader in the quest to ensure a better economy for Tanzania.
“It is possible for us to have an independent economy and stop begging from donors. We will also surely win respect in the world -- if all Tanzanians will support Dr Magufuli, we will be able to attain that goal.
In an e-mail communication to the ‘Daily News’, the National Chairman of opposition ACT-Wazalendo, Mr Zitto Kabwe, who is also Kigoma Urban MP, gave kudos to the president on his first 100 days in office. “I congratulate you on what you have achieved in your first 100 days. It is not an easy task.

I look forward to the next 100 days as we collectively seek to build a stronger nation based on right values, principles and institutions,’’ Mr Zitto enthused.

Source: The Daily News

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